Sunday 17 February 2013


I left Canada one month ago today. The weather is getting hotter and people are beginning to anticipate the coming rainy season (in a few weeks). I spent the morning at the Maasai Market looking at the beautiful handmade goods for tourists. We can be weird about it, but the crafts, even though made for tourists are really beautiful.

I thought I'd include this photo. Isn't it weird. It is a sculpture in a parking lot of a hotel. I got a terrible fright as I initially thought it was a man hiding behind the lamp-post! Can you imagine seeing this as you pull up to park in the dusk? It would be so scary!

Here is a alleyway in Kibera. I think it is so lovely that this person has taken the time to paint the shutters and whitewash the exterior of  their home. Although this is the largest slum in the sub-sahara with very little sanitation people take pride in where they live.
The rooms are only about 8 feet by 8 feet if that but they really make good use of the space!

Everywhere I go prayer is offered: sometimes in song, sometimes spoken. Whether getting onto the matatu to wish passengers well on a journey or at the start or end of a workshop. I cannot seem to get the recording I made on the post, but I will continue to try. Just know that we began with a prayer sung and broke into dance!


  1. Great photo Ms. Sarah, this portrait of the man in his home- I love. That is indeed a "creeper" of a sculpture.
    Kee p them lovely storie a-coming ;-)

  2. I enjoy visiting your blog Sarah. It gives me a perspective I would not have otherwise.

    Thanks! :)
